This section includes affirmations you can use, if they resonate with you and your intentions. In my work with the angels, they tend to prefer to call such statements “invocations.” They emphasize that such statements are really to be used to invoke the energy of the intention into our lives. Such energy then translates into our resonating with the invocation and manifesting that choice into our lives.
To use an affirmation/ invocation, first decide if it resonates with what you wish to create and feel and think. Then, embrace the invocation regularly, consistently, and often. Embracing an invocation can take many forms, but the most important is saying the invocation with one’s whole body. Say the words. Breathe the words. Feel the words. Open your heart and energy field to taking in the truth of the invocation from all directions. Feel it to be true. This is embracing.
You can prompt yourself to align with your invocation in various creative ways. Have your watch beep on the hour. Write post-its around your home. Notice when you feel off-balance, and stop to embrace your invocation. Connect with your invocation at each stop light. The options are endless for bringing the energy you desire into your life.
After you embrace your invocation, say thank you—to the Divine, to the energy you are calling to you, and to all the beings and energies that are part of fulfilling your dreams.
New invocations will be added over time, so please check back periodically. And check back to see if previously posted invocations speak to you in a new way….
Possible Invocations
My body, my mind, my feelings, my spirit are aligned with the highest expression of my essence.
I am expressing my intended path with ease and joy.
I am blessed with outrageous, joyful abundance.
Everything is perfection. I know this to be true, and I feel great peace and thankfulness to be in the care of the Divine.